What features should you include in your MVP app for Startup?

Galaxy Weblinks
4 min readFeb 22, 2023


Starting a business can be challenging, especially when it comes to building your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) app.

An MVP is a stripped-down version of your app that includes only the essential features necessary to launch and test the concept of your app in the market.

But what features should you include in your MVP mobile app for a startup?

In this post, we will discuss the key features you should consider when building an MVP app for your startup.

1)User Authentication

User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user before allowing them access to the app.

This feature is crucial in any app because it ensures that only authorized users can access the app’s content and features.

In your MVP, you can include basic user authentication such as email and password login, social media log in, or two-factor authentication.

2)User Onboarding

User onboarding is the process of guiding new users through your app and helping them understand how to use it.

It’s important to provide a smooth and easy onboarding process to ensure that your users are engaged with your app from the beginning.

You can include a welcome screen with a brief introduction to your app, a tutorial, or a series of tooltips that guide users through the app’s features.

3)User Profile

A user profile is a collection of information about a user that is stored in the app. Users can edit and update their profiles to provide more information about themselves.

In your MVP, you can include basic user profile features such as name, email address, profile picture, and bio.


Messaging is a feature that allows users to communicate with each other within the app.

It’s essential to include a messaging feature in your app if you’re building a social networking or messaging app.

You can start with basic messaging features such as text messaging and the ability to send images.


Notifications are messages that are sent to users to inform them about important events or updates.

They’re essential to keep users engaged with your app and to remind them to use it.

You can include basic notification features such as push notifications that notify users of new messages or app updates.


Search is a feature that allows users to find specific content within the app.

It’s essential to include a search feature in your app if you have a lot of content or if you’re building an e-commerce or marketplace app.

You can include a basic search feature that allows users to search for content using keywords.

7)Payment Integration

If you’re building an e-commerce or marketplace app, it’s essential to include payment integration in your MVP.

Payment integration allows users to make transactions within the app.

You can include basic payment features such as the ability to add a credit card or PayPal account.


Feedback is a feature that allows users to provide feedback about the app.

It’s essential to include a feedback feature in your MVP because it allows you to gather insights from users and make improvements to the app.

You can include basic feedback features such as a feedback form or a rating system.


Analytics is a feature that allows you to track user behavior within the app.

It’s essential to include analytics in your MVP because it allows you to gather insights about user behavior and make improvements to the app.

You can include basic analytics features such as tracking user sessions or tracking user clicks.

10)Admin Panel

An admin panel is a feature that allows you to manage the app’s content and users.

It’s essential to include an admin panel in your MVP because it allows you to manage the app’s content and users without having to update the app itself.

You can include basic admin panel features such as the ability to add or remove users, update content, and view analytics.

In conclusion, building an MVP for your startup can be a challenging task, but it’s essential to include the key features that are necessary for launching and testing your app concept in the market.

The features mentioned above, including user authentication, user onboarding, user profile, messaging, notifications, search, payment integration, feedback, analytics, and admin panel, are the essential features that you should consider including in your MVP.

By focusing on these essential features, you can develop a functional and valuable MVP that will help you validate your app concept, gather feedback from users, and make improvements before investing significant resources in building a full-fledged app.

Remember, your MVP should be focused on solving the core problem of your target users, and including the right features can make all the difference in the success of your startup

Looking to develop a mobile MVP app for your Startup? Check out our page.



Galaxy Weblinks

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