Why is it important to create an MVP when you are building an app?

Galaxy Weblinks
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Building an app is an ambitious and exciting project that requires careful planning and execution.

One of the most critical steps in creating an app is developing a minimum viable product (MVP).

In this post, we will discuss why creating an MVP is so important and how it can help you launch your app with confidence and success.

An MVP is a version of your app that includes only the essential features that are necessary to provide value to your target users.

This approach is based on the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes the importance of learning from your customers and iterating on your product as you go.

By launching an MVP, you can validate your app idea, test your assumptions about user behavior, and get feedback from real users.

Here are some of the key benefits of creating an MVP when you are building an app:

1)Validate your app idea

Before you start building an app, it is essential to validate your app idea. An MVP allows you to test your app with a small group of users and see if they are interested in using it.

This validation process helps you to avoid investing a significant amount of time and money into building an app that no one wants to use.

If your MVP app is successful, you can continue to build out the app with more features, confident in the knowledge that there is a demand for your product.

2)Get feedback from real users

Getting feedback from real users is one of the most valuable aspects of launching an MVP.

By releasing your app to a small group of early adopters, you can see how they interact with it and get feedback on what they like and what they don’t like.

This feedback is incredibly valuable and can help you make improvements to your app that will make it more appealing to a wider audience.

You can also use the feedback to prioritize new features and build out the app accordingly.

3) Test assumptions about user behavior

When you build an app, you make a lot of assumptions about how users will interact with it.

An MVP development allows you to test these assumptions and see if they are correct.

For example, you may assume that users will prefer to use a particular feature, but once you launch your MVP, you may find that they actually prefer another feature instead.

By testing your assumptions, you can make data-driven decisions about the development of your app, rather than relying on guesswork.

4)Save time and money

Building an MVP allows you to launch your app faster and at a lower cost than building a full-featured app.

By focusing on the essential features, you can save time and money that can be invested in other areas, such as marketing and user acquisition.

This also allows you to get your app to market faster, giving you an advantage over competitors who may be taking a more traditional approach to app development.

5)Iterate and improve

An MVP is not a final product, but rather the first step in a continuous process of improvement.

By launching an MVP, you can start learning from your users and making improvements based on their feedback.

This iterative approach allows you to create a better product that is more aligned with user needs, rather than just assuming what users want.

In conclusion, creating an MVP is an essential step in the app development process.

By launching an MVP, you can validate your app idea, get feedback from real users, test your assumptions about user behavior, save time and money, and iterate and improve.

By following this approach, you can increase your chances of launching a successful app and avoid costly mistakes along the way.

If you’re interested to build an MVP based on your app idea, you can check out our service.



Galaxy Weblinks

Transforming forward-thinking ideas into bold digital experiences.